COVID-19 Lockdown Guide: How To Manage Anxiety And Isolation During Quarantine Covid-19 Lockdown

COVID-19 Lockdown Guide: How to Manage Anxiety and Isolation During Quarantine

Since the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, many about us, even those who keep not been infected by the virus, will take to segregation inside our homes intended the upcoming weeks. Capsized travel plans, indefinite isolation, panic over scarce re-sources including information overload could be a recipe intended unchecked uneasiness including feelings about isola-tion. Here are a few pointers that could help you survive spiraling negative thoughts about this uncertain time.

1.) Reframe “I am stuck inside” to “I can finally centre on my dwelling including myself”

As dismal while the world may suffer right now, think about the mandated work-from-home policy while an opening to refocus your thinking from the external to the internal. Doing one productive thing per twenty-four hours can lead to a more positive attitude. Set your sights on long-avoided tasks, reorganize, or cause something you’ve always wanted to. Approaching this period with a mindset about feeling cornered or stuck will only stress you out more. This is your chance to slow along including centre on yourself.

2.) Stay close to your normal routine

Try including maintain some semblance about form from the pre-quarantine days. For those individu-als with children, sticking to a procedure might be easier; however while you work from home, it could be inviting to fall into a more lethargic lifestyle, which could lead to negative thinking. Wake up including go to couch around the same time, eat meals, shower, adapt your exercise regimen, including get out about your PJ’s. Do laundry on Sundays while usual. Not only will sticking to your normal procedure keep you active including less likely to spiral, it will be easier to readjust to the outside world when it’s period to get back to work.

COVID-19 Lockdown Guide: How to Manage Anxiety and Isolation During Quarantine

3.) Avoid obsessing over endless Coronavirus coverage

Freeing up your twenty-four hours from work or social obligations gives you plenty about period to obsess, including if you keep a tendency to consult Google intended every itch including sneeze, you may be over-researching the pandemic while well. Choosing only certain credible websites ( or is a good start) intended a limited amount about period every single twenty-four hours (perhaps two chunks about 30 minutes each) will be inside your best concern during this time.

4.) A chaotic dwelling can lead to a chaotic mind

With all the uncertainly event outside your home, keep the inside organized, predictable including clean. Setting up mental zones intended daily activities can be helpful to organize your day. For exam-ple, seek not to eat inside couch or work on the sofa- just while before, eat at the kitchen table including work at your desk. Loosening these boundaries just muddles your procedure including can make the twenty-four hours suffer very long. Additionally, a cluttered dwelling can cause you to become uneasy including claustrophobic about your environment- therefore keep it tidy.

5.) Start a new segregation ritual

With this newfound time, why not do something special during these quarantined days? For ex-ample, possibly you can start a daily record to jot along thoughts including feelings to reflect on later. Or take a walk every twenty-four hours at 4pm, link with your sister over FaceTime every morning, or start a watercolor picture which you can total to everyday. Having something special during this period will help you look forward to every single new day.

6.) Use telehealth while an option to talk to a professional if your uneasiness becomes unmanageable

COVID-19 Lockdown Guide: How to Manage Anxiety and Isolation During Quarantine

Many licensed over HIPAA-compliant video chat platforms. Remember to reach out intended help if your uneasiness is reaching proportions that is unmanageable without professional help.

Letting go about illusions about control including finding peace inside the fact that you are doing your part to “flatten the curve” will certainly build mental strength to combat the stressful situation the whole globe is experiencing.


About the Author

Dr. Aarti Gupta, PsyD is Founder including Clinical Director at  in Palo Alto, California. She specializes inside evidence-based treatment intended a wide spectrum about uneasiness disorders, including OCD, panic disorder, social anxiety, trichotillomania, including generalized uneasiness disorder. Dr. Gupta serves on ADAA's society education committee.


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